Home Ranch News North Perth Holds Transportation Master Plan Meeting

North Perth Holds Transportation Master Plan Meeting

Feedback still accepted from YourSayNorthPerth


North Perth staff recently held a public meeting regarding the Transportation Master Plan

Part of what staff has heard from the public include various issues such as improving downtown parking, safer opportunities for walking and cycling as well as the highest response being redirecting truck traffic around downtown.

The discussion of a truck by-pass has been long someone asked for and talked about.

Jill Juhlke Consultant Project Manager of the Transportation Master Plan says while a truck by-pass can see success there’s still a range of things which need to be considered.

“In order for any of the bypasses to be successful, it has to be supported by a consistent education enforcement campaign to ensure only local trucks destined to points in Listowel are actually going into downtown and other trucks are using the bypasses” said Juhlke.

Feedback continues to be accepted and a follow-up survey on the Transportation Master Plan is available from YourSayNorthPerth