Home Ranch News North Perth Dispatch Services Changing as of January 5th

North Perth Dispatch Services Changing as of January 5th

If Home or Business is Monitored by Alarm Company Must Contact North Perth Fire no later than December 17th


CORRECTION: While the dispatch services are being taken over from the City of Stratford for the Municipality of North Perth, the services are being then handled by the Owen Sound Emergency Communications Centre.

The North Perth Fire Department started advising residents today that there will be a change in who handles dispatches services for the Municipality as of Wednesday, January 5th, 2022.

Dispatch services are transferring from the City of Stratford to the Owen Sound Emergency Communications Centre.

They say if your home or business is monitored by an alarm company you must contact the North Perth Fire Department Administration no later than Friday, December 17th, 2021.

The number to call is 519-291-6825 ex. 3100.

All emergency calls will still be reported using 911.