Home Ranch News North Perth Encourages to Report Any Water Issues in Their Homes

North Perth Encourages to Report Any Water Issues in Their Homes


Have you been dealing with issues of discoloured water in your home? North Perth is asking you to always report these issues to them.

The Municipality of North Perth is urging residents to report any issues they may have with water coming out of taps in their homes following social media posts on the topic as of late.

Mark Hackett, Manager of Environmental Services for North Perth says there could be a range of causes for discoloration or other issues with water including issues inside the home or outside the home.

He says they recommend any issues are reported to the “Citizen Request Portal” on their website which gets them to staff right away.

He also recommends viewing of the Water and Wastewater FAQ available at their website which has great information on possible causes and solutions to common water issues.