Home Ranch News North Perth EarlyOn offers tips on rotating your kids toys

North Perth EarlyOn offers tips on rotating your kids toys


With many children off this week for the Spring Break there will likely be a bit of spring cleaning occurring in toy areas.

The North Perth Early On Centre wants to offer you a great activity for kids of all ages called Toy Rotation.

This is when you put only a selected variety of toys, books or items for your kids to play with instead of giving them access to them all.

You then change them regularly to avoid boredom and also inspire your child’s curiosity, creativity and focus.

It minimizes distraction when playing and also encourages them to explore and use all of their toys.

It’s also a great way to declutter. With favourite toys just break them into groupable types and rotate between them regularly.

For more information and tips on toy rotation go to the North Perth EarlyOn Centre Facebook page.