Home Ranch News North Perth Council Shuts Down Public WiFi Application

North Perth Council Shuts Down Public WiFi Application

Many councilors say there are bigger things to address before considering public wifi


During last nights council meeting, councilors were provided an update regarding having public wi-fi in areas across North Perth.

Among those proposed areas, downtown Listowel, the Steve Kerr Memorial Complex and Listowel Memorial Park were on the list for having public wifi. Councilor Matt Richardson says the idea of public wifi is great, but there are bigger issues which should be addressed first.

“I would rather see this money going to public wifi go towards new initiatives to getting all of our rural communities fully connected to highspeed. I don’t know if this should technically be in the cards at this point in time for North Perth” said Richardson.

Many councilors agreed with councilor Richardson and followed with similar comments. Council voted to end further pursuit of public wifi.