Home Ranch News North Perth Council Looking Over Support for Stratford Hospital

North Perth Council Looking Over Support for Stratford Hospital


Officials with the Stratford General Hospital Foundation spoke to North Perth council on Monday, breaking down their In Our Hands Capital Campaign.

The campaign has a target of raising $30 million and is the largest in the hospitals history with a goal for a series of new medical equipment.

Council was requested to pledge $200,000 to the In Our Hands Campaign.

The funding has been broken down which includes $15 million for a new cancer and medical care clinic with co-located pharmacy, $8.5 million for new and replacement of medical equipment and $1 million for staff training and education.

Campaign Chair, Paul Roulston says the North Perth community over the years has shown a great deal of support for them.

“To date in the last 5 years, the 395 number represents the number of gifts donated to the Stratford General Hospital Foundation by residents of North Perth and the $124,166.30 is the total of those gifts that we’ve received over the last 5 years from residents of North Perth.’ said Roulston.

Council has chosen to turn to the budget committee to consider to have a pledge of support for the Stratford General Hospital.