Home Ranch News North Perth ATV Club looking for New Logo for the Club

North Perth ATV Club looking for New Logo for the Club

Group says they are looking for one that reflects North Perth saying it can be it's landscape, agriculture or whatever a designer feels would pay homage to the community.


The North Perth ATV Club posted on Social Media today that they are on the hunt for a new logo for the organization.

They say that as much as they love their current club logo, they are looking for one that reflects North Perth. It say it can be it’s landscape, agriculture or whatever a designer feels would pay homage to the community.

They are looking for a design in a few sizes, easier to be enlarged or shrunken down for decals or apply to clothing.

Any interested designs are welcome to submit their design through the North Perth ATV Club’s Facebook page. They say once they’ve received a few entries, they will let the community pick their favourite.

Whichever wins, the designer will receive a hoodie with the new logo.