Home Ranch News North Perth Approves New Terry Fox Route in Listowel

North Perth Approves New Terry Fox Route in Listowel

New route requested as town development has grown since last in person run


North Perth was quick to show support in the change of route for the coming Terry Fox Run in Listowel for September 18th.

A new route was requested as development in town has grown over the past few years when the last run was held in person and officials were citing some safety concerns with the current route as it is.

Clerk Lindsay Cline says the route is easy to work with from a municipal standpoint as its believed no roads need to be closed.

“I don’t believe Angela Stratton is requesting any road closures, just requesting that the new route be approved” said Cline.

The new route will start at the Kin Station and travel on the Kinsmen Trail south toward Atwood.

Staff will work alongside the organizers and with the community events bylaw in the near future to fully finalize the route.