Home Ranch News No Injuries Reported after Fire at Seniors Apartment in Walkerton

No Injuries Reported after Fire at Seniors Apartment in Walkerton

Fire at Building managed by Bruce County Housing occurred late last night.


Fire Fighters from the Walkerton, Mildmay and Elmwood Fire Departments responded to an Apartment Fire late last night in Walkerton.

The call to the Residential Seniors Apartment Building located at 401 Cayley Street came in at approximately 11:40 last night.

On arrival fire crews identified a fire on the second floor. Several tenants had to be rescued after being trapped by smoke. They were able to contain the fire to a common area of the building.

A full evacuation of the building took place which displaced 44 units in the building.

Crews remained on the scene until 4am this morning.

Tenants unable to find alternative accommodations were sheltered at a local hotel.

The Ontario Fire Marshall’s Office will be attending the scene to complete their investigation.

Tenants, family members and supports can contact 1-800-265-3022 for further information.