Home Ranch News No Decision Reached on In-Person Council Meetings

No Decision Reached on In-Person Council Meetings

Staff to return to council with more information


Discussion on returning to in person council meetings was a large topic during Monday’s council meeting.

Council is in favour of returning to in person but also is looking to ensure a hybrid option of online can remain an option, which narrowed down 2 of 4 options both seeing a return to in person meetings.

Councilors like Matt Richardson and Matt Duncan says it should be time to return some level of normalcy for council meetings.

Mayor Todd Kasenberg adding his thoughts are that based on following the Dr. Miriam Klassen.

“To return to this chamber… requiring us to ensure we have that 6 feet of distance that was recommended all along and does require us to wear a mask when we’re in this chamber based on Dr. Klassen’s advice. Just a thought.” said Kasenberg.

Matt Duncan, commented regarding masking saying nowhere in public spaces do people wear masks unless they choose to, saying he is not in favour of masking in the council chambers.

Despite a good amount of council leaning towards option 3, which would have councilors attend in person and allows the public and delegations to have the option to attend in person or virtually, a final decision could not be reached.

Staff is expected to bring in more information at a later meeting.