Home Ranch News NDP’s Kruchkywich Looks to Solve Housing, Living Wage Among Others

NDP’s Kruchkywich Looks to Solve Housing, Living Wage Among Others

Kruchkywich running on campaign of affordable housing, living wage and universal phramacare


The issues residents see across Perth-Wellington are being shared to those running for the MP position as the election keeps going.

This includes to NDP candidate Kevin Kruchkywich. Kruchkywich, who has been living in Stratford as both an actor and handyman for around 10 years who believes in trying to fix a broken system.

Among many key things which got Kruchkywich involved with the NDP, affordable housing was among them as he says the recent spike locally in housing cannot work in Perth-Wellington.

“The insane climb in the housing market and then because of that its an insane jump in rental rates. It’s unsustainable.” said Kruchkywich.

Kruchkywich says housing locally is about helping those who live and work here and not the wealthy from out of the region.

“We need to take care of the people who live in this riding. It’s not about attracting the wealthy people in Toronto, it’s about taking care of the people who live and work in Perth-Wellington.”

Kruchkywich is also campaigning on universal phramacare and ensure a living wage for everyone. For more information on Kevin Kruchkywich and the NDP party in Perth-Wellington you can email [email protected].