Home Ranch News MP Nater delivers Queen’s Jubilee Pins to Two Deserving Residents

MP Nater delivers Queen’s Jubilee Pins to Two Deserving Residents

Myrna Hutchison has become champion for mental health after losing her son Steven to suicide. Samantha Dickert chronicled her late son Simon’s battle with cancer and inspired her Mount Forest community.


Perth-Wellington MP John Nater shared word of two residents of the Region working for funding and support for mental health and to battle cancer.

Myrna Hutchison has become a champion for mental health after losing her son Steven to suicide. Through Get In Touch for Hutch, she raises funds and awareness.

Samantha Dickert chronicled her late son Simon’s battle with cancer and inspired her Mount Forest community.

For both of their supports for mental health and advocacy for childhood cancer he says he was honoured to present them both with Queen’s Platinum Jubilee pins.