Home Ranch News Ministerial Order Issed to Add Additional Measures to Protect Flocks

Ministerial Order Issed to Add Additional Measures to Protect Flocks

Effective April 9th the movement to and participating of birds in events where they commingle, such as shows, sales swaps, fairs, sports and education displays are prohibited.


The Ontario Governrment say they are taking action to limit the spready of avian influenza among birds in the Province.

Lisa Thompson, Minister of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs, on advice of the Chief Veterinarian for Ontario, has issued a Minister’s Order under the Animal Health Act 2009.

The order is for the purpose of limiting the commingling of birds from different locations in order to reduce the risk of disease transmission.

Effective April 9th the movement to and participating of birds in events where they commuigle, such as shows, sales swaps, fairs, sports and education displays are prohibited.

This is in addition to the Canadian Food Inspection Agency requirements in promary control zones. The order will expire on May 9th but they say may be extended if required.

The Hanover area had a biosecurity advisory issued today following a “high mortality incident” at a poultry flock. It impacts farms within a 10 km zone around the Town fo Hanover.

Poultry farmers in the area are under the advisement to keep their poultry away from wild birds. They also recommend to ensure equipment is disinfected before taking into poultry buildings, high sanitation standards and limit access to farms to only those essential to its operation.

Farmers who wish to receive the regular updates from the Feather Board Command Centre can visit the site below.
