Home Ranch News Memorial Tree Planting to Continue at New Site

Memorial Tree Planting to Continue at New Site


The Brenneman Funeral Home is looking to continue its tradition of planting a memorial tree which usually takes place at Atwood Lions Park however, the park is full and cannot have more trees.

David Bald, who now owns the home is still looking to continue the tradition and start in the North Perth Trail.

David says with the addition of planting trees, can also enhance the trail for those who walk by.

“Providing these memorial areas would create seating for everyone to enjoy. I would also propose that I put a sign at the beginning of the trail that would add names to every year to memorializing those people who we have lost in this community” said Bald.

The plan for the trail would work the stretch from Henfryn to Listowel.

Also with the backing of the Atwood Lions, North Perth council voiced their support who add this will be a great replacement for the trees along the trail which have died.