Home Ranch News Meeting on Proposed MZO for Large Development in Wilmot Township Leads to...

Meeting on Proposed MZO for Large Development in Wilmot Township Leads to No Decision

Developer had been looking for Support from Council on MZO to Rezone Agricultural Land


The Special Meeting of the Township of Wilmot Council last night offered residents a chance to have their say on a proposed development in Wilmot near the intersection of Nafziger Road, south of Waterloo Street and North of the Rail Corridor.

Planning Company Bousfield appeared at the meeting on behalf of the Developer Cachet Developments and Partner David Falletta from Bousfield said this to the benefits they see for the community in terms of housing.

“The proposal will create a minimum of 1200 new residential units.  These units will include 150 seniors units and 200 rental apartments. [65 of the rentals] would be affordable rental apartments. Those are with rents at 80 percent of the average market rent.”

The remaining units would be 150 condo apartments, 350 condominium units, 250 street fronting townhomes, 50 rear lane townhomes and 100 single family dwellings.

The meeting which was scheduled for 2 hours ran for nearly 4 and no decision on support on the MZO that would make the development possible.

Currently the proposed land sits outside the Urban Development boundary in Wilmot Township.

There is a follow up special meeting set for the 14th of February to follow up with questions submitted by residents.

There then will be a decision made 2 weeks later on the 28th at a regular session of council.

Full video of the Special Meeting is below.