Home Ranch News McArthur Named General Manager of Listowel Legionnaires

McArthur Named General Manager of Listowel Legionnaires


Chris Kurz has passed off the torch as general manager of the Listowel Legionnaires, handing the reins over the Alan McArthur.

McArthur says its the mentorship from Kurz which has helped lead him to this role and step into the spotlight.

McArthur brings in over 10 years of experience organizing the local coed slo-pitch league and as a current player with the local men’s slo-pitch league.

McArthur says he doesn’t expect too much to change in front ground but work hard in the back.

“I’m going to work a lot with the coach to see if there’s anything I can do to benefit him and the team. You’re going to see a lot of similarities between me and Kurzy running the team. It’ll just be a lot of feedback and implement what helps.”

Chris Kurz well praised McArthur and knows he’ll run a good ship and says the Legionnaires will bring plenty of energy.

“Listowel has always been a hockey and baseball town and its really special. Kids grow up playing minor ball here in town and then become Legionnaires later on in their adult life. There’s players on our junior team now who I’ve watched since they were 7 or 8 years old and they all love the game.”