Home Ranch News Long-Term Care Minister Responds to Commissioner Report

Long-Term Care Minister Responds to Commissioner Report

Report says it was far too late for too many in the provincial response


Long-Term Care Minister Merrilee Fullerton spoke this morning responding to the Ontario’s Long-Term Care COVID-19 commissions report.

The 322 page report found while the system was ignored for years, the government ignored warnings when the pandemic arrived and did not act fast enough saying it came far too late for far too many.

Minister Fullerton says investment in long term care for Ontario will continue to grow.

“Our government is investing more than 9.6 billion dollars in response to the pandemic.” said Fullerton

Fullerton added the commissioner report shines light on the truth which residents and staff had to go through during the pandemic.

“The commissioners are right identifying the trauma experienced by residents and staff. Those residents and staff need support.”

Ford welcomed the report, as difficult as it was to read he said, while terrible what has happened in long-term care homes. He added it will be ensured to not happen again.