Home Uncategorized Locals help Claire Bear in her Fight with Cancer Campaign

Locals help Claire Bear in her Fight with Cancer Campaign


Welcome to Roland’s Good News File… brought to you by Royal LePage Don Hamilton Real Estate… I’m Roland Archer.

When a child is diagnosed with cancer it’s the most challenging news a parent can receive. Their world is turned upside down with following through with treatment and trying to survive as a family during this time.

There is a woman who has put together a fundraiser for little girl battling cancer and helping support her family in Mitchell while Claire received treatment. Colleen Johnson tells us more about the “Helping Claire Bear with Her Fight with Cancer” campaign.

“What we wanted to do was try and raise a bit of funds to help offset some of the additional costs that are happening for the family. I thought I would do something small, just throw some items on a facebook group, have people bid on them and auction them off.”

The response has already been overwhelming. She tells us the number of items and the places she is seeing people offer their support for Claire.

“So I’ve got at this point 75 items. We have had an amazing response from all of Southwestern Ontario and even further. We have some items being shipped in from Illinois.”

There was a big issue outside of finances. With Claire’s mom spending all of her time during treatment with her at the hospital there was issues with things such as food for the family. Colleen was able to setup something to help them in that regard as well.

“We have also started a meal calendar so the father and the 2 brothers can be themselves and not have to worry about cooking and everything else when they get home from work and the hospital when they visit Claire.”

There are simple ways to show your support for Claire in her battle against cancer. You can visit the fundraising auction page at “Helping Claire Bear with Her Fight With Cancer”, bid on some times or contact Colleen at 519-703-0446 to help out with the meal calendar for the family.

For Roland’s Good News File… brought to you by Royal LePage Don Hamilton Real Estate.. I’m Roland Archer.

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