Home Ranch News Local Young Family Dealing with Breast Cancer Diagnosis

Local Young Family Dealing with Breast Cancer Diagnosis

Mother of Jennifer Schiffers organizing Online Auction to Raise Money to Support Family while her Daughter Receives Treatment.


A local single mother is dealing with a recent diagnosis of breast cancer and the ensuing treatments that she must endure.

Michelle Weir’s 35 year old daughter Jennifer Schiffers is the mother of two young children and found a lump in her breast back in July of last year.

They did a lumpectomy in November of the tumor found and thought they had gotten it all.

Then a few weeks after the surgery and before her first chemo she found another lump and went back for a second exam with her oncologist.

The tests came back and it was another cancerous tumor.

Michelle is now working on putting together an online auction to help raise money for her daughter and her two kids as Jennifer hasn’t been able to work in a month.

The family has seen great support from local business such as Stop 23, 2nd Chances, Dairy Queen, The Baptist Church and more have donated both money and items for the auction.

You can reach Michelle by telephone at 226-622-0869 or also you can find her on Facebook under Michele McAvoy-Weir.

Michelle says calls in the evening are best as she herself works full-time. Texting her number also works.