Home Ranch News Local businesses step up to support those recovering from Outbreak at Caressant...

Local businesses step up to support those recovering from Outbreak at Caressant Care

Three businesses have generously donated a month of meals to those recovering


Community support continues to grow for Caressant Care Listowel residents and staff during this difficult time.

They wanted to offer a heartfelt thank you to some local businesses who have generously offered to sponsor a month of meals for the families of those recovering from the outbreak at the facility.

Thanks go out to Friends at Ideal Supply, Debbie at Listowel Taxi and Cathy at Second Chance for helping make sure the families of the staff don’t go without a warm meal at this difficult time.

The meals are being prepared and delivered directly to the homes of the families thanks to Country Style Family Restaurant in Listowel and their regular delivery driver volunteering to offer his services.

Thanks to all for making sure everyone is safe during these difficult times.