Home Ranch News Local Business Person Looking to Create Coupon Book to Save Local

Local Business Person Looking to Create Coupon Book to Save Local

Book aims to save those that Buy it for $100 over $2022 in total over the Year by using the Coupons.


A local business person is spearheading the creation of a Coupon book that aims to support local businesses while it shares the savings with residents while they Shop Local.

The goal for creator Alan McArthur, owner of the Listowel Squash Courts, says he hopes to save customers a considerable amount of money.

“My goal is to have $2022 dollars of savings in the book. It’s for you to use throughout the year through 2022.”

McArthur is still looking for a lot of businesses to sign up to take part in the promotion.

The funds raised through the coupon book would be put back into supporting businesses who are hurting during these current restrictions.

The best way for businesses to sign up is to call 226-339-0883 or email Alan at [email protected].

You can also text him at his phone number as well.