Home Ranch News Listowel Lifestyle Show See’s Great Success Over the Weekend

Listowel Lifestyle Show See’s Great Success Over the Weekend


It was a successful weekend in town with the North Perth Chamber of Commerce Lifestyle Show.

The show featured a wide variety of vendors to explore while keeping it all strong with local support.

Admission was free during the 2 day event at the Steve Kerr with a donation of a non-perishable to the Salvation Army Food Bank being appreciated.

Sharon D’Arcey from the North Perth Chamber says donation wise, it was plenty to take in.

“We had cash donations, which we don’t typically do but a lot of people wanted to give. We decided to get an envelope out and secure a spot for cash donations to give back to Salvation Army. They were absolutely thrilled to come on Saturday afternoon to pick up bags and boxes full of stuff.” said D’Arcey.

D’Arcey adds the overall success was great to see and to have the community come out the continue to shop and support local.

“There was a lot of conversation at the door about how many people said “I am so happy you brought this back, the vendors are great.” You could see a whole lot of people visiting and chatter going on. That kind of conversation is really very meaningful.”