Home Ranch News Listowel Kinettes Bring a Piece of Paddyfest to Your Home

Listowel Kinettes Bring a Piece of Paddyfest to Your Home

Proceeds going towards the North Perth Family Health Teams mental health programs


While Paddyfest this year is going to be much quieter due to the pandemic, the Listowel Kinettes are bringing a piece of Paddyfest to you.

Orders are now being accepted for their Drive Thru Sign Fundraiser.  Meghan Graham, of the Listowel Kinettes says this is a great way to enjoy and support Paddyfest from home.

“It’s a fun thing to do at home and it gives you something to decorate your house with for Paddyfest. We aren’t going to be able to have Paddyfest most likely in the way we have in past.” said Graham

All proceeds will be going to the North Perth Health Teams mental health programs. Graham says its important we support mental health in our community in any way we can.

“it’s always important for us to help out the community and especially mental health initiatives right now because they are being used more and more by people. We want to make sure those programs remain available in our community.”

The deadline to order is Saturday February 20th, to place your order for a sign message the Listowel Kinettes on Facebook or contact Meghan at 519-573-2599.