Home Ranch News Listowel Art in Park Set for the Summer

Listowel Art in Park Set for the Summer

Show set for August 6th at Listowel Memorial Park


Listowel Art in the Park will be celebrating their 5th year this summer.

Vendors are currently be welcomed to join which includes artists, artisans, entrepreneurs and more. Spaces on the grass are marked at $55 or $70 in the pavilion.

Heather MacEwen, Creator and Organizer for Art in the Park says the event over the years has grown with those who take part continuing to return.

“The vendors are like family now and they keep coming back. I’m finding this year in particular there are so many more creators, so many people have come out of their shells and relit their spark into art and creativity.” said MacEwen.

MacEwen adds it will be great to see the list of vendors come out this summer for everyone to see.

“They really want to showcase their stuff this year. Let’s be ready to take it all in, the park is such a beautiful place to go back to again and again every year and connect.”

Art in the Park will be held at the Listowel Memorial Park on August 6th. There is no cost to attend and visit vendors to see their work.

All information is available from the Art In The Park Facebook page.