Home Ranch News Listowel 150th Gaining More Ground

Listowel 150th Gaining More Ground


North Perth council is showing some support for Listowel’s 2025 Sesquicentennial Steering Committee.

Bert Johnson and John Veerway spoke with council on the matter on Monday.

Listowel will be celebrating its 150th anniversary in 2025.

In March council gave the green light to have committee formed and in that time as Johnson says 3 meetings have been held from the committee which is formed so far of 6-8 people.

John Veerway while speaking with council says while this is a Listowel anniversary the committee wants to ensure this encompasses all of North Perth.

“One of things we did discuss in our first meeting is we do not want to see this as a Listowel thing. We want this as a celebration of North Perth celebrating Listowel I think its very important to talk about it that way.” said Veerway.

Plans are still very much in their early stages with the committee looking to have public outreach on what events the public wants to see to celebrate the 150th anniversary.