Home Ranch News LCBO removing all Russian-Made Products at Direction from Province

LCBO removing all Russian-Made Products at Direction from Province

Announcement came just hours after Ontario Liberal Leader Steven Del Duca called for the move.


Amid the ongoing conflict in Ukraine, the Ontario government has directed the LCBO to remove all Russian-made products from its store shelves.

“Ontario joins Canada’s allies in condemning the Russian government’s act of aggression against the Ukrainian people, and will direct the LCBO to withdraw all products produced in Russia from store shelves,” said Finance Minister Peter Bethlenfalvy in a statement on Friday.

The announcement came just hours after Ontario Liberal Leader Steven Del Duca called for the move.

“Our allies in Ukraine are under attack by Russia and need our help,” said Del Duca. “Pulling Russian vodka from the shelves of the LCBO is an immediate action Ontario can take to demonstrate our solidarity with the people of Ukraine.”

The LCBO carries several brands of Russian vodka such as Russian Standard Vodka and Beluga Russian Luxury Vodka.

Del Duca said banning the sale of these products will prevent any further money from going to Russia during the invasion of Ukraine.

“We need to do everything we can to support our allies against the murderous dictator that has invaded Ukraine,” he said.