Home Ranch News Last Day for Feedback Regarding Listowel Memorial Park

Last Day for Feedback Regarding Listowel Memorial Park

Concepts for a memorial park where the Listowel Memorial Arena is once demolition is complete


Today is the last day to provide feedback regarding options for a park on the Listowel Memorial Arena site.

The arena is scheduled to be torn door this year but a date is not confirmed. A memorial park has been proposed with two potential options presented to the public. Both potential concepts include a memorial site to those lost, an open lawn for soccer or football during the summer months and as Michael Barker, a landscape architect for SHIFT Landscape Architecture says, the winter could allow for much more.

“The grass field is intended to be a play space. A place to throw or kick a ball in the summer months but also a spot the community could create an ice rink in the winter.” said Baker

Baker added having an outdoor rink for the winter has seen great success on projects they’ve worked on in the past

“We do this in a lot in our parks, its quite successful. It brings the community together which is an important aspect in this type of space.”

The survey can be found on YourSayNorthPerth.ca. The survey closes at 4:30 this afternoon.