Home Ranch News Kasenberg Responds to Integrity Commissioner Report

Kasenberg Responds to Integrity Commissioner Report


North Perth Mayor and Perth County councilor Todd Kasenberg commented in a Perth County council meeting regarding an investigation from the integrity commissioner.

Kasenberg was under investigation for allegedly contravening the Code of Conduct for members of council regarding a motion on an anti-racism charter.

When Kasenberg first introduced the idea of an anti-racism charter but with receiving pure county silence, it sparked headlines across the county. This in turn found Kasenberg to respond to certain articles shared on social media which was among one of two formal complaints made for violating sections.

Kasenberg in response says he is the first councilor in Perth to face such allegations of violation.

“From what I can tell, I am the first councilor of the County of Perth to have experienced formal allegations that I was in violation of the council code of conduct. I was then the first councilor to have a seat in the ring in this process which I suggest is shrouded in part from the person, who is the subject of this complaint.” said Kasenberg

The report shares what sections Kasenberg had allegedly violated.

Section 5.4
Members shall at all times serve and be seen to serve the interests of their constituents and the county in a conscientious and diligent manner and shall approach decision-making with an open mind.

Section 5.5
Members will conduct their dealings with each other in ways that maintain public confidence in the position to which they have been elected or appointed.

Section 5.7
Members shall refrain from making disparaging remarks about other members of council, staff, members of the public, or council’s decisions.

Section 5.8
Members shall avoid the improper use of the influence of their office and shall avoid conflicts of interest, both apparent and real.

Section 7.1
All members have a duty to treat members of the public, one another, and staff with respect and without abuse, bullying or intimidation, and to ensure that the work environment is free from discrimination and harassment. The Ontario Human Rights Code applies and, where applicable, the county’s Respect in the Workplace Policy III-2.

Section 9.2
Members should not use the status of their position to influence the decision of another individual to the private advantage of oneself, one’s parents, children, or spouse, staff members, friends, or business or other associates.

The integrity commissioner concluded the report that the complaints be dismissed but note Kasenberg did commit a minor breach of Sections 5.5 and 5.7 of the code with respect to an interview comment made within the Listowel Banner and not comments made on social media.

The full report can be found here, Code of Conduct Complaint Report – Complaints 2020-01 _ 2020-02 (FINAL)