Home Ranch News Impaired driver ends up on walking trail in Elora

Impaired driver ends up on walking trail in Elora

Driver had went down an embankment at the end of a dead-end street


On February 27th at approximately 2am the Wellington County OPP responded to a report of a single motor vehicle collision near Church Street West in Elora.

It was reported that a passenger vehicle went down an embankment at the end of a dead-end street and came to a stop on a walking trail.

Wile speaking with the driver, officers formed the opinion that the driver was under the influence by alcohol. A roadside screening test was conducted which resulted in a fail.

The driver was arrested and underwent further testing.

A 51 year old male of Brampton has been charged with operation while impaired 80 plus mgs of alcohol in 100 ml of blood and possession of a control substance cocaine.

A 90 day drivers license suspension and 7 day vehicle impoundment were initiated.

The accused is scheduled to appear in an Ontario Court of Justice in Guelph on March 30th to answer to the charges.