Home Ranch News Impaired Driver arrested on Beatty Line in Centre Wellington Township

Impaired Driver arrested on Beatty Line in Centre Wellington Township

A 45 year old female of Elora has been charged with impaired driving


On January 8th at approximately 7:10pm Wellington County OPP responded to a report of a motor vehicle in the ditch on Beatty Line near Side Road 15 in Centre Wellington Township.

Police located the vehicle and while speaking with the driver, determined they had consumed alcohol. A Roadside Screen Device test was conducted which resulted in a fail.

The driver was arrested and transported to a local OPP Operation Centre for further testing.

A 45 year old female of Elora has been charged with impaired operation – 80 plus.

A 90 day license suspension and a 7 day vehicle impoundment were initiated.

The accused is scheduled to appear in a Guelph Court on January 26th to answer to the charge.