Home Ranch News Huron Perth Public Health Team Shares Tick Safety

Huron Perth Public Health Team Shares Tick Safety

Huron Perth Public Health shares keeping your grass short, removing dead leaves and weeds, keeping rodents and deer out of your yard, along with full body checking your pet after outdoor activity, are all key steps to preventing ticks from staying around your yard this summer. 


The Huron Perth Public Health team has shared the best way to protect yourself from Lyme disease this summer is to prevent tick bites. 

Ticks can be found in rural areas and cities, suburbs, parks, backyards, as well as in brush, trees, bushes, leaves, and tall grass. 

All ticks are active anytime the temperature is above freezing. 

Huron Perth Public Health shares keeping your grass short, removing dead leaves and weeds, keeping rodents and deer out of your yard, along with full body checking your pet after outdoor activity, are all key steps to preventing ticks from staying around your yard this summer.