Home Ranch News Huron-Perth Catholic Board advise Parents to Plan for Remote Learning Friday

Huron-Perth Catholic Board advise Parents to Plan for Remote Learning Friday

Board sas it is preparing contingency plans that hinge on the ability to staff schools in absence of CUPE workers.


The Huron-Perth Catholic District School Board issued an update on Monday to area parents in regards to the impact of the situation development between CUPE and the Provincial Government.

In the update the board says that the Government announced legislation to put legal challenge in the way of CUPE’s ability to legally strike on Friday, November 4th.

They advise that notwithstanding that, CUPE may still be withdrawing services on Friday.

HPCDSB sas it is preparing contingency plans that hinge on the ability to staff schools in absence of CUPE workers.

Given ongoing staff shortages, it may not be possible to keep schools open to students on Friday.

They advise parents to plan or remote learning on Friday.