Home Ranch News Huron County OPP Wrap Up Long Weekend Campaign

Huron County OPP Wrap Up Long Weekend Campaign


Huron County OPP kept busy over the long weekend as part of Canada Road Safety Week.

OPP were out promoting and enforcing laws around traffic safety during the annual campaign for the Victoria Day long weekend which ran from May 14th-20th.

Over this time police focused on the big four being impaired operation, speeding, distracted driving and not wearing a seat belt.

Over the campaign police laid 370 charges which included;

–      Impaired Driving: 5

–    Stunt\Careless Driving: 2

–      Seatbelts: 33

–      Speeding: 208

–      Distracted Driving: 7

–      Alcohol-Related Offences: 3

–      Cannabis-Related Offences: 3

–      Insurance-Related Offe nces: 13

–      Other Criminal Code Traffic Offences: 1

–      Other Provincial Offences Act: 95

–      Warnings Issued: 183