Home Ranch News Huron County Foodprenuer Program Returns

Huron County Foodprenuer Program Returns


Huron County has launched a new program aimed to support food and beverage entrepreneurs.

The Foodprenuer Advantage Program is for those looking to start or expand a food or beverage manufacturing business to produce consumer packaged goods.

The program offers workshops to help those navigate and start up a business and expand new product lines.

The first series of workshops will continue running this month, in April, August and November.

Brittany Wise, Manager of the Huron Business Centre highlights just some of the webinars you can learn from the program.

“So how to sell your product, costing and pricing, marketing and branding, labeling and packaging as well as selling to food retailers like Sobeys.’ said Wise.

All sessions are offered virtually on Thursdays at 10am with those interested being asked to sign up but are non committal so you can chose to take one or every session or take one in January and pick back up in August.

More information is available here.