Home Ranch News Huron Community Safety & Well Being Plan announces online consultation process

Huron Community Safety & Well Being Plan announces online consultation process

Input is being sought for residents aged 30 and younger


The United Way Perth Huron, The Social Research & Planning Council along with the 9 partnering municipalities that make up Huron County, announced a consultation process for residents 30 years and younger.

They announced they are looking for resident input from the target age group as part of their work on developing a Huron Community Safety and Well-Being Plan.

The aim is to achieve sustainable communities where everyone is safe, has a sense of belongings and have opportunities to participate in terms of education, health care, food, housing, income and social and cultural expression.

You can find the dates, times and how to connect below.

For any questions you may have you can contact Joëlle Lamport-Lewis,  Director of the United Way Perth Huron’s Social Research and Planning Council at [email protected] or by telephone at 519-271-7730

  • April 19th (2:00PM-3:30PM)
  • April 21st (6:00PM-7:30PM)
  • April 22nd (12:00PM-1:30PM)

Computer: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84113717318?pwd=aGtab2krOVNmbGF3V3NQYUZRcHU4dz09
Telephone: 1 647 558 0588 or 1 647 374 4685
Meeting ID: 841 1371 7318
Passcode: 644331