Home Ranch News Human Trafficking Awareness Day

Human Trafficking Awareness Day

Parents advised to understand how social media works

Human Trafficking Awareness Day was earlier this week.
The OPP West Region say to confirm who your child is talking to on social media. As children spend more time online due to the pandemic criminals are using social media as a recruiting tool.
Crime Stoppers Guelph Wellington’s says parents need to start having a conversation with their kids.
Sarah Bowers-Peter says its better to have the conversation with them before.

“As hard as it is to talk about this subject, its so much more difficult to have a police officer come to you and say we know your child is being groomed.” said Bowers-Peter.

Bowers-Peter adds its also important for parents to understand how to use social media platforms

“Really need to understand how social media works because that is the method being used to engage young people.”

Crime Stoppers Guelph-Wellington has put a major focus on human trafficking in Wellington County as they say the issue is much more than just an urban one.