Home Ranch News HPPH offers update regarding rise of cases and eligibility

HPPH offers update regarding rise of cases and eligibility

All public health and workplace health measures must be followed


Huron Perth Public Health have seen a significant rise in Covid-19 cases in the past few days. There are currently 70 active cases in the Region, 45 of which are the more easily transmissible variants of concern.

32 new cases were added from over the weekend. These cases are the result of workplace outbreaks of social interactions where public health measures were not followed and of household spread.

HPPH investigates all confirmed Covid-19 cases and outbreaks. These actions include following up with confirmed cases, conducting contact tracing, reviewing public health and workplace safety measures and assessing infection prevention and control processes.

In general HPPH does not publicly disclose details of workplace outbreaks unless they have determined there is a risk to the public.

Individuals and businesses must continue to follow all public health and workplace safety measures to prevent transmission of the virus.

The Province announced the additional groups that will become eligible for vaccine this week.

They include tomorrow individuals with at-risk health conditions such as dementia, diabetes and sickle cell disease as well as Group Two of people who cannot work from home including grocery store, restaurant and transportation workers will be eligible to book an appointment at a future HPPH clinic to receive the Covid-19 vaccine.

There will be additional groups added as per provincial direction. HPPH will have more details shortly.