Home Ranch News Here 4 Hope Aims to Promote Life & Preventing Suicide

Here 4 Hope Aims to Promote Life & Preventing Suicide

Project has a Podcast where listeners can hear stories from Survivors and those who lost a Loved One to Suicide called "Stories for Hope".


There is a Community Based online initiative happening in Wellington County with the goal of preventing suicide and promoting life.

The “Here 4 Hope” life promotion, suicide prevent project has it’s roots in an appearance by TSN Sports Personality Michael Landsberg and Jennifer Hedger in Wellington County back in 2018.

The commitment was formed after that event and saw the site launched in 2019. It’s framework was developed with input from local community members who are survivors of attempted suicide, who are bereaving the suicide of a loved one as well as service providers and best available research.

They have a Podcast where listeners can hear stories from Survivors and those who lost a Loved One to Suicide. You can find the link below.
