Home Ranch News Heartland Vet Holding Pet Food Drive

Heartland Vet Holding Pet Food Drive

Donations being accepted until December 20th


Ensuring there’s enough to enjoy Christmas for every family is what rally’s many businesses and groups this time of year.

Heartland Vet Services are ensuring families with pets also get the chance to celebrate. Heartland’s annual pet food drive is underway marking the 10th year with locations in Listowel, Mount Forest and Drayton.

Donations of unopened pet food, toys, treats and beds are all being accepted until December 20th.

Donations can be dropped off outside each clinic’s donation bin during business hours from 8:30am-5pm.

Donations will be distributed to the Listowel Salvation Army Food Bank, the Drayton Food Bank and Community Pantry in Mount Forest.

Those who wish to make a finaicial donation which will be used for a cat or dog gift basket can do so by calling any Heartland office.

Listowel – 519-291-2060
Mount Forest – 519-323-4422
Drayton – 519-638-3391