Home Ranch News Hate has No Home Here Campaign Prides on Great Success

Hate has No Home Here Campaign Prides on Great Success

Over 400 signs have been ordered


The Hate has No Home Here campaign in Centre Wellington has shined across the county.

Signs are available to showcase your support for various causes such as Pride, Every Child Matters and other diversity inclusion. The campaign has seen overwhelming success with over 400 sign orders.

Curt Hammond, one of the co-organizers says the sign campaign is the first step of many to help showcase everyone is welcome in the community.

“All of Wellington County needs to be a place that is inclusive to everyone. Signs are a really nice first step to let people know they are welcome in our communities.” says Hammond

Hammond adding the support for the campaign has been truly amazing to see

“This has really taken off and the great thing is we’re seeing individuals, we’re seeing groups and businesses get involved”

Hammond credits Alpha Signs in Fergus for their support for the signs. To order your sign visit here. Pickup is available in Centre Wellington. Artwork is also available to be printed from home.