Home Ranch News Harriston-Minto Agricultural Society Drive Thru Dinner

Harriston-Minto Agricultural Society Drive Thru Dinner

Sunday September 19th with various pick up times available


The Harriston-Minto Agricultural Society is hosting a drive thru roast beef dinner next month.

Despite the 2021 Fall Fair “Flannel Shirts and Denim Skirts” has been canceled for all in person events, the drive thru dinner is on.

Tickets are now available for the September 19th date at $20 per adult and $10 for kids.

Pickup for the dinner will take place at the Harriston Arena with various pickup dates available for 4:30, 5:00, 5:30, 6:00 and 6:30pm.

To get your tickets for the roast beef dinner email [email protected] with a pickup time.

Etransfers are being accepted to [email protected]