Home Ranch News Hanover Fair Goes Virtual August 5-8th

Hanover Fair Goes Virtual August 5-8th

Events running throughout the week


The Hanover Fair, like many other fairs across the province will go virtual this year but many events are still planned.

A chance to see live harness racing, enjoy a barbecue, a heavy horse pull and live entertainment on August 7th.

The fair will kick off August 5th and run until the 8th hosted by the Hanover Bentinck and Brant Agricultural Society. August 5th will include a family movie night at the Hanover drive in. The cost is $10 per car with door prizes and a free craft kit for each car.

From the 6-7th a car rally scavenger hunt will take place. The deadline for submissions on the hunt will be 6pm on August 7th.

The form for the hunt can be found from HanoverFair.ca and when complete can be emailed to [email protected]

Also available from the website is a kids colouring contest for those aged 10 and under with 2 different colouring sheets to choose from.

All other information and events on the Hanover Fair this week can be found from their website.