Home Ranch News Hanover Culture Days Hosted This Weekend

Hanover Culture Days Hosted This Weekend

Various events to enjoy both online and outdoors


Hanover is celebrating Culture Days this weekend.

A mix of events are planned for online, indoors as well as outdoors for those to celebrate.

The return of the Dozen Donut Frames share and win invites those to find as many selfie frames set around town and post their photos with the hashtag #InThisTogetherHanover with a randomly selected winner taking home a dozen donuts from Schultz’s Gone Totally Baked.

Local artist Bev Morgan will be showcasing her artwork for the weekend as well as the Saugeen Municpal Airports plane and car display on Saturday from 10am-3pm.

On Sunday, Music in the Square will host the Red Shepherd Trio from 12-2pm and wrap up with The Red Rascal Band from 2-4pm.

All events are free to attend, with some requiring pre-registration which can be done from Hanover.ca/Culture-Days.