Home Ranch News Guelph-Eramosa Teen faces charges for excessive speed

Guelph-Eramosa Teen faces charges for excessive speed

17 year old driver also failed to stop at a Stop Sign while committing speeding offence


On January 10th at approximately 5:50pm a Wellington County OPP officer was conducting radar and stop sign patrol at the intersection of Side Road 10 and the Fourth Line East in Centre Wellington Township.

The officer observed a white motor vehicle travelling northbound at a speed that appeared to be well above the posted 80 km speed limit.  The motor vehicle slowed down briefly as it approached the stop sign then continued northbound through the intersection without stopping.

The motor vehicle continued travelling at an extremely high rate of speed and was locked on radar at a speed in excess of 135 km/h.

A 17 year old  driver from Guelph-Eramosa Township has been charged with Stunt Driving-Excessive Speed and Disobeying a Stop Sign.

The defendant is scheduled to appear in a Guelph Court on May 12.

Their vehicle and drivers license were seized for a period of 7 days.