Home Ranch News Gains Across the Region in Employment

Gains Across the Region in Employment

Unemployment fell by 0.1 per cent to 4.5


More people in the Stratford-Bruce Peninsula economic region appear to have found work.

Unemployment in March fell by 0.1 per cent to 4.5 per cent according to the Four County Labour Market Planning Board.

In a news release, they say there were increases in full-time (2,200) and part-time work (800) resulting in a net employment increase of 3,000.

The goods-producing sector saw a net increase of 2,700 with agriculture (1,200) and manufacturing (800) making up most of the gains.

The service-producing sector had a smaller increase of 300.

There were gains in the wholesale and trade sector (2,500) but there was a huge loss in health care and social assistance (-2,600).

Provincial unemployment was up 0.1 percent to 6.2 percent.