Home Ranch News Full Spectrum Athletics Hosting 1st Annual Slow-Pitch Tournament

Full Spectrum Athletics Hosting 1st Annual Slow-Pitch Tournament


With the warmer weather now in the air, baseball season is getting in full swing.

Listowel’s Full Spectrum Athletics, offering athletic wear, equipment are still growing.

While not yet in a storefront, FSA is run from Justin Wick’s house but they’re gearing up for the first FSA Slow Pitch Tournament in June.

Wick says the idea to start up the tournament all began when they first started up the business.

“When we started up the company with Full Spectrum Athletics we kinda wanted to do something with sports and bring some events to the community.” said Wick.

The tournament will be held from June 2nd-4th running at the Listowel Kinsmen Park & Trowbridge Ball Diamond. Teams will be guaranteed 3 games in a round robin format with cash prizes for the A, B and C champs.

Of course its more than just teams piling in for some ball, players and spectators have plenty to look forward too while also helping support local with school nutrition programs and the North Perth fire department.

“We’ve got the local fire department coming out to run the bbq for us, they volunteered to come out and do that with all the proceeds from the bbq going back to them. We’re also going to have a silent auction table with a portion of the proceeds going back to the schools and their nutrition program.”

Those who want to rally up their team for the tournament and register will need to act quickly with spots filling up fast.

Registration and more information can be found from the Full Spectrum Athletics Facebook page.