Home Ranch News Free Supervisory & Leadership Training Course being held Next Week in Monkton

Free Supervisory & Leadership Training Course being held Next Week in Monkton

The free Supervisory & Leadership Training Course is set for September 6th, 8th and 9th from 9 until 3:30pm at the ELRC in Monkton.


If you are currently looking to build your resume and add to your skills, then the Municipality of North Perth says there is an event upcoming next week that will be perfect.

The free Supervisory & Leadership Training Course is set for September 6th, 8th and 9th from 9 until 3:30pm.

The program will provide existing and future supervisors with the tools and techniques to help lead & support their teams.

The course will be taught at the Elma Logan Recreation Complex at 200 Nelson Street in Monkton.

Registration is available from a link at the Municipality of North Perth Facebook page.