Home Ranch News Flair Airlines Planes Seized Leaves Many Stranded

Flair Airlines Planes Seized Leaves Many Stranded


Many Canadians are stuck following Flair Airlines aircraft’s being seized due to falling behind on lease payments.

The discount flight company saw planes being seized across multiple Canadian airports.

Among the stranded is 20 year Bailie Richards who is stuck in Florida waiting to come home who left for vacation on March 1st was suppose to return Monday but the seizing of aircraft’s has left her without much option, more so when she doesn’t have the money to catch another flight.

Bailie says she’s made multiple attempts to contact Flair Airlines but has been left in the dark with no response.

Richards says however, she’s doing what she can to stay positive.

“We know we will make it home eventually but its very stressful and its making us anxious just having to wait for this that and other things and not being told anything.” said Richards.

Richards says all they’ve been given is a hotel to stay in but commented on the infestation of the room with kicked in doors providing no security.

Bailie adds her parents are doing everything they can to bring their daughter home.

The Ranch Newsroom has reached out to Flair for a response on their communication with passengers and the aircrafts being seized.