Home Ranch News Farm Vehicles Return to Area Roadways

Farm Vehicles Return to Area Roadways


With warmer weather arriving there are a few things to consider when driving on area roads.

One thing is the return of farm traffic to area roadways and the things to keep in mind to keep everyone safe.

Inspector Krista Miller from the OPP gives a few tips.

“Your farm vehicles they travel about 35 km per hour. When you see them ahead of you then you have to be aware of that and slow down. They will display an orange triangle on the back that identifies them as a slow moving vehicle.”

Miller also says that due to their size and sometimes their weight, some farm vehicles cannot pull off to the side of the road and drive on the shoulder.

Also some do not have turn signals and will use more conventional hand signals to indicate upcoming turns.

The Ontario Federation of Agriculture says 74% of farm accidents occur between summer and late harvest.

Slow moving vehicles are 3.8 to 4.8 times more likely to be involved in a fatal collision per kilometer than other motor vehicles.