Home Ranch News Family Day with the Listowel Legion

Family Day with the Listowel Legion

Decorate your homes with hearts in lieu of a gathering for Family Day this year


Family Day with the Listowel Legion usually means a gathering to celebrate family. This year however will see a different change but keep the love for family and support for front line workers.

This family day event keeps local support strong and a chance to win prizes. Sherry Hamilton says this year, deck your home out with hearts.

“Decorate your homes with hearts for the love of family. Any hearts, any colour. At this time blue hearts seem fitting to show our support to the community. Our health care workers and residents at Caressant Care.” said Hamilton

She added the past year has taught us much.

“COVID has taught us all, materialistic things do not matter. It’s the simple things in life. Treasure your family, make memories, slow down and appreciate what you have.”

Residents can post pictures to the Legions Facebook page, winners will be selected on February 16th.